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Re: How often do you jump and other training?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:28 pm
by Bubba PV
I rest my case Dan. Thanks for your support, guidance and friendship. ALL are invaluable to me! Bubba

Re: How often do you jump and other training?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:43 am
by fishman4god
Dan, wow! Thanks for the effort to share all your training info. I really appreciate it! I agree with you that we all need to find the right mix, but it really helps when I can compare what you guys are doing/have been doing. Thanks Again,


Re: How often do you jump and other training?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:21 am
by Bubba PV
I steal a lot form Dan. He's my go to guy when in doubt.

Re: How often do you jump and other training?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:48 pm
by tsorenson
Ha, ha! Dan, you are a maniac! I already warned the incoming Freshmen I'm sending to Lane that you may look old, but you will kick their butts in the weightroom and on the drills!! ;) Hope you have a great meet today, I wish I could go

My "training" doesn't come close to these guys, but may provide some alternate ideas. I have found that avoiding the jogging altogether has helped my knees and back:

I vault two days/week; 1 long, 1 short. Both days include a dynamic warmup with pole runs, drills, strides, etc. I usually finish with some plyos and bleachers.

Gymnastic drills 2-3 days/week. Rope, rings, highbar, lowbar. Usually 3 sets of as many as I can do with each exercise.

I work nights and have my kids every day, so I try to fill other times with activities that help general fitness, but don't beat up the joints too much:
Frisbee golf with kids 2-3 days/week. Playing with kids 7 days/week. Rock climbing with kids 2 days/week. Swimming with kids 2-3 days/week.

Good luck!!


Re: How often do you jump and other training?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:53 pm
by vaultmd
I tend to emphasize vaultwest's 7a

Re: How often do you jump and other training?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:49 pm
by vaultwest
Thanks for the kind words. My schedule looks like a lot but when it is all said and done some days are pretty easy especially compared to what I used to do. For me it is all about consistency, just doing something almost every day makes such a huge difference. I used to get all stressed out if I did not get enough done each workout that I started to realize that that focus was making it hard to do anything, so I just go out and do what I can each workout and that way I get what I can done and each day builds on the next and before you know it you have a bunch of workouts strung together and you are in pretty good shape. Too much time off is a killer. At 3:30 pm or 4:00 pm I just step out the door and head to workout and before I know it I have done another workout completed. To be honest I cheat a little because I volunteer coach out at Lane Community College and my coaching style is doing most or at least what I can of the workout with my vaulters, especially the vaulting part. Working out with a group is sooooo much easier. I must admit I agree with Wilson, 7a is one of my favorite workouts. I have tried to do fewer workouts to prevent injuries but I have found that to be a road to nowhere for me. USE IT OR LOSE IT. Good luck to everyone at Worlds I sure wish I could be there to jump with all my friends.
Vault On

Re: How often do you jump and other training?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:43 pm
by vaultmd
Okay, I took my three jumps at the WMA Games. Time for more rest . . .

Actually, I competed with a tweaked takeoff leg, jogged from 62 and almost sneaked over opening height of 9'2" with a stiff pole.

The rest of me feels good. Should be jumping for real in a month or two . . .