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Do you want some help

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 1:17 am
by xtremevaulter
Becca do you want me to try and design something for the site. Please let me help cuz i am so bored sitting at home all day long not doing a thing. hehehe.

Re: Do you want some help

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 8:33 am
by rainbowgirl28
xtremevaulter wrote:Becca do you want me to try and design something for the site. Please let me help cuz i am so bored sitting at home all day long not doing a thing. hehehe.

Yes... but there is nothing you guys can help me with right now. This spring I will need all the help I can get collecting information. I will post more then. Haha but by then you will be all busy with school and track and you will be too cool to help me :P