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Pole Vaulting Opportunities

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 1:35 pm
by polevaulterhere
I just finished my one and only season of vaulting in high school. I started my senior year and was only able to clear 6.6, I was very close to clearing 7 at the last meet. The reason why I didn't get much higher was because I have stress fractures in both my legs, and a sprained foot. Despite all the that I kept vaulting, but now my season is over and I'm kind of upset. Do you think there is any chance for me to vault in college? Or what are some other vaulting opportunities out there? I really don't want my record to stay at 6.6 I think if I weren't injured I could get higher, and I want another chance.

Re: Pole Vaulting Opportunities

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 1:42 pm
by rainbowgirl28
Maybe at a small school. You just have to talk to the coaches and see what their walk-on standards are. I imagine by now you already know where you are going? Maybe there is a club nearby you could train with?