Gain weight or lose it

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Gain weight or lose it

Unread postby ttpm15 » Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:29 pm

Last season i weight around 140 lbs,I vaulted on a 161 poles last season. This off season I'm planning on gaining some weight ( muscle ) and speed.

I'm about 5 feet 7, ( i figure by the time track season is around, my body probably grow a few more inches )

i haven't weight myself yet but i think i'm around 145 right now. i'm planning on gaining about 20 more lbs in 5 months.

I'm also lifting weight and doing short sprint and run this winter. At 145 lbs i do look sort of skinny and scrawny.

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Re: Gain weight or lose it

Unread postby powerplant42 » Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:02 am

There's no reason for you to try to gain or lose weight. If you train well, the weight will take care of itself.
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Re: Gain weight or lose it

Unread postby ttpm15 » Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:15 am

thanks for the respond, i guess that make sense.

I still sort of want to gain some weight since i'm a little underweight for my height.

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Re: Gain weight or lose it

Unread postby CoachEric » Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:14 pm

Strength is a function of the cross-sectional area of a given muscle, a squared value.

Weight is a function of volume, a cubed value.

If you gain weight, even assuming your bodyfat% does not change, you will have a lower strength/weight ratio.

Focus on speed and power development. Lift weights in rep ranges of 1-5, and don't waste time and energy in the hypertrophy range (6-12).

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Re: Gain weight or lose it

Unread postby ttpm15 » Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:49 pm

Thanks for the respond, i just weighted and measured my height.
Height : 5 feet 9 1/4 inches
Weight : 151 Lbs <=== i'm planning to keep my weight around the 150 lbs mark and gain more strength .
Bench Max : 185
Vertical : 26-27 inches

My mile run and long distance is terrible though, i run a mile in around 7:45 to 8 minutes. ( i don't see the point of the mile run beside burning off calorie. )

I'm doing 5x5 workout, my last set will be until failure ( then take 10 lbs off and do 3 more )

I'm working out from Monday to Friday.
2 times a day on Monday to Wednesday ( unless i have work after school )

Monday and Wednesday are Upper-body + Core
Tuesday and Thursday are Lower body + speed and some core.
Friday is Back and core.

I also doing some pole vault drill and try to do wind shield wiper using a pull up bar, if you know any drill i can do with pull up bar, please let me know.

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Re: Gain weight or lose it

Unread postby NSUpv » Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:55 pm

Here are some good drills to do on the pull up bar.

You should try and get to 25+ dead hang pull ups IMO, and be able to do muscle ups.

Another note.. One Mile run is not a LONG distance event really, It is a measure of conditioning. Get that time down to 6min (45sec/200m split) or better, you will notice a difference in your overall training capacity.

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Re: Gain weight or lose it

Unread postby ttpm15 » Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:20 pm

I'm trying to get my miles time down to 7 minutes, but it is hard to do when you constantly get shin splints ( both legs, inner side of my leg )
I'm currently nursing two of them right now, i have a mile run tomorrow i will try and see how fast i can do it.

Thanks for the videos, I found that video a while a go, i can do most of them, but not all of them.I'm going to work on it.

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Re: Gain weight or lose it

Unread postby Tom Wilson » Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:55 pm

Kinetic energy is ½ mv squared so I figured a few years back that lighter faster was more effective although I am still believer strength training helps too, especially as an over 50 vaulter. Body fat does you no good although I have too much by far! Much more resistant to injury as you get older if you keep sprinting, running and strength training.

Always suggest some backward slow runs (30-50yds) along with sprints (4 sprints, 1 backward ratio). Backward running helps prevent hamstring pulls.

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Re: Gain weight or lose it

Unread postby ttpm15 » Fri Jan 11, 2013 12:34 am

Thanks for the tips.
I do occasionally workout with the football team ( off-season ) and they do do back pedaling ( same thing as running backward right ? ).
I did a mile run today, 8:04 ( my PR in the mile is 7:21 :o , a tad faster than a turtle )
At least my lower leg feel fine, they do tighten up a bit during my run though, taking off my shoes and run barefoot seem to help after about half mile. I also just got back to running after a 3 weeks break nursing my shin splints.

How do you measure body fat easily ?

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