Need your help with Film contest, need votes. take 2 secs

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Need your help with Film contest, need votes. take 2 secs

Unread postby OUvaulterUSAF » Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:59 pm

Pole Vaulters need your help. I worked on a short in a Netflix contest, "Paul Sussman's Eleven-step Guide to Self Actualization". The winner gets funding for a feature.

Click below, watch the three-minute trailer and vote! The five films with the highest number of stars will go onto the final round. Then it's basically up to the judges. 5 stars would be outstanding but any vote would help us out. You don't need an account to vote and it's very simple, take you like 2 seconds to vote and 3 minutes if you watch the entire trailer.

Also, would be cool to hear some feedback on what the general public thinks of our trailer. Voting ends 5 July.

Thanks for your support!
wo xi huan cheng gan tiao.

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