Orthodics + Spikes = ?

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Do you wear orthodics in your spikes/flats?

yes spikes
yes spikes and flats
yes flats
nope, nada, zilch, nicht, nie
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Orthodics + Spikes = ?

Unread postby apsully » Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:03 am

Hey everyone.

I guess some of you may know, or remember, my story with the whole broken navicular and the surgery and everything...but anyways...

Im taking every precaution I can to protect my feet from here on out as I have an incredible appreciation for them after missing out on O so many parties and what not during my senior year when I was on crutches for 6+ months. Ok, so as soon as I was ambulatory again (walking) I had orthodics made for my flats (the custom ones where they make a plaster mold of your feet and give you a 3-600$ bill).

After breaking them in and letting my feet adapt to them for a couple weeks I realized I'll need them for my spikes too (asics turbo jump- the orange/silver/black ones). I gave teh shoes to my doc and he sent them in so that the next set of orthos can be custom fit to them. I won't get them back for like another week or so.

So I was wondering, does anyone else have custom orthodics in their spikes? How do they feel? was it rough on your feet the first few days of sprinting? Do they make your feet sit too high in the shoe?

Also, please dont reply if you just went to the store and bought off-the-shelf insoles. It may sound like crap, but the custom ones are a whole diff story.

***Too avoid bumping my several month old post...as an update: I am up and running again. It's been about 3.5 months since my surgery. I still get pretty bad stiffness and joint pain in teh mornings and after Ive been sitting for a while, but it subsides after a minute or two of walking. I started running 100's. I started them at 30 seconds each and recently have been doing 18-19 seconds. Im not having any pain while running and basically none after either, so thats a great sign. My game plan is to just keep following my physical therapist's words of wisdom and to also continue to inch my 100 times up. I'd like to get them down to 14-16 by August 18th (the day I leave to move up to fullerton for school). I think that's about the same time that I'll try my spikes on again for teh first time and start gettin up on my toes a little bit. If any medicine minded person reads this and thinks that that is too soon.. PLEASE tell me; the last thing I wanna do is screw myself over and have to red shirt my frosh year in ncaa divI.

Anyways, that's that.
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Unread postby powerplant42 » Fri Jul 27, 2007 12:27 pm

I think they might be nice... but I'm not investing yet, gotta jump better first! :)
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Unread postby bvpv07 » Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:02 pm

I had stress fractures and OCD lesions in my navicular bones and talonavicular joints (I probably murdered those spellings, but oh well.) which kept me out of pv for my last three years of high school, mostly because they couldn't diagnose them.

One of the ideas for treatment after going through store bought orthotics and even the heat-mold-to-your-feet ones was to get custom-made orthotics by my podiatrist. I did and have since been wearing them in all of my shoes for the past two years. They take a while to get used to, so wear them for a few hours at a time to begin with and gradually (I know how you must hate that word, gradually) build up until you're comfortable with them. Start out with just walking first. Once you're used to them in your shoes, move on to your spikes. They put your foot a bit higher up (obviously), so you might want to ask if you can get full-length ones and rip out the regular inside of your spike. That's what I did. It means that you won't be able to vault without them again, but that won't really matter unless your foot changes its shape.

So, from someone with experience, they're definitely worth it.
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Unread postby SKOT » Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:26 pm

I had orthodics for the last three years of my college career and I wore them in my spikes for the last two. If you can get a pair of orthodics that fit in your spikes, it is definitely worth it. it helped my lengthen my training sessions and train harder. I wore the Nike PV lites with my orthodics, but I had to tear out the 1/8" padding on the inside and relace them to relieve a few pressure points. It might take a little work and imagination to get everything set up correctly, but it is absolutely worth it!

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