This is discussing the shape of the crossbar for the high jump, but also applies to the pole vault as is stated later. The specific rule states (in reference to the flat surface of the bottom of the crossbar ends that rests on the pegs): "This flat surface may not be higher than the vertical cross section of the crossbar." The language is a little confusing in my opinion, but after discussing it with a few friends, I take this to mean that the vertical cross section is a vertical line drawn from the top to the bottom of the side of the crossbar; essentially an "I" drawn from the top to the bottom of the "O"-shaped crossbar. Therefore, the part of the crossbar end that lies on the pegs cannot rest anywhere along that "I", or vertical cross section, and must therefore lie beneath it, as traditional crossbar ends allow. Because the anti-gravity crossbar ends allow for the flat surface to lie somewhere along that vertical cross section, they will now be outlawed.
Sorry if this is confusing, and please correct me if my interpretation is wrong! This seems to be an important rule change, and I'm not sure how I feel about it!