Pushing the pole as a way to make really heavy poles work?

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Re: Pushing the pole as a way to make really heavy poles work?

Unread postby souleman » Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:16 pm

Use those heavies for pole runs and flat land plants from the pole runs. Have them grip right of the top to add to the weight of the pole. That way they will be able to feel as it happens if they are dropping with felt weight or weightlessly. Great news about the "found poles". According to the chart an 11' grip should produce a 10' clearance. Two of my guys got to the point where they were "beating the grip" this fall. One cleared 11'6 with an 11' 10" grip and the other got over 12'6" with the same grip from a walk up or trot up to a 40' mid (so in other words short runs). Both kids are in the 145 to 150 pound range and I had them jumping on a 12 foot 165 and 170 poles (in other words stiff poles). Their technique improved every week we did this and seeing that it was during October and the first two weeks of November, I consider this great building blocks for the up coming season. So, whatever you decide as to push or drop, I wouldn't be too concerned about pole length or weight (other than the obvious rules) for your 10 footer till he blows past that. By the way, your comments are proof to me that those kids will be in great hands. You've done a good job of thinking things out. Later...........Mike

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