Analysis of Vault

This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
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Analysis of Vault

Unread postby Fritch5510 » Thu Aug 11, 2016 7:23 pm

Hey, so I've been doing the decathlon for 2 years now and pole vault is my favorite event. I come from a place where we don't have a pole vault coach, so my teammates and I film ourselves and try to improve from there. Right now, I'm jumping on a 170 14'6 pole, holding at 13'9" (I weigh 180, but our pole selection is very limited). Any suggestions on what I should work on the most? Just trying to learn and have fun! :)
Thank you ...

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Re: Analysis of Vault

Unread postby powerplant42 » Sat Aug 13, 2016 8:11 am

Welcome to PVP!

It seems like your running behind yourself - get your feet more directly underneath the center of gravity, which is shifted forward because of the pole's weight. Otherwise you can get out of control, which will lead to a late plant (and it did in this case). The late plant leads to being under at take-off, killing swing speed and making it difficult to keep the trail leg straight.

I'd also recommend adopting a slightly narrower grip. Seems a bit wide.

In the future, if you're recording on a phone, turn it sideways - the eyes are sideways in the head, it makes it easier to watch! Also, vids like this go in the "Video Review" forum.

Good luck!

"I run and jump, and then it's arrrrrgh!" -Bubka

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Re: Analysis of Vault

Unread postby grandevaulter » Sat Aug 13, 2016 6:59 pm

teammates and I film ourselves and try to improve from there

What in particular do you think you need to improve upon. What drills are you doing? do you have a technical model?

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Re: Analysis of Vault

Unread postby Fritch5510 » Fri Aug 19, 2016 7:09 pm

Thank you Powerplant, I will narrow my grip and try to work a lot on my runway and my sprinting technique and once it gets better I'll try to focus on the rest. Sorry for the bad video, I always try to film sideways, but my teammate filmed this one upright for some reason. And GrandVaulter, since I do the decathlon, I don't have much time to do drills specific for pole vault. I tried to go see at a Gymnastics Club to help with core strength and inversion, however they didn't have any sessions available or open gyms. All I do are high bar drills occasionally and vaults (Full jumps, stiff pole drills, trying to kick high bungees). I am aware that learning by vaulting alone is not the best way, but I don't have a coach to guide me through drills. I have access to the pit once a week on average. As for improvements, I would like to improve my runway, so that I can consistently take off tall with a straight top arm (I struggled with the top arm for a long time and still it's still not near perfect). I don't follow any technical models specifically.

Thank you for the replies.

PS. Sorry for posting this in the wrong forum :/ I didn't know there was a video review one

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